- Corsi di Laurea
- Strategy and Business Models
Strategy and Business Models
- Teaching in italian
- Strategy and Business Models
- Teaching
- Strategy and Business Models
- Subject area
- ING-IND/35
- Reference degree course
- Course type
- Master's Degree
- Credits
- 12.0
- Teaching hours
- Frontal Hours: 108.0
- Academic year
- 2024/2025
- Year taught
- 2024/2025
- Course year
- 1
- Language
- Curriculum
- Reference professors for teaching
- CORALLO Angelo
- Location
- Lecce
Teaching description
No Prerequisite
The course is designed to provide a perspective lens to review and/or design the entire Enterprise' architecture according to the concept of business model, that is the key element to connect the strategy with the company organization structure and processes.
The proposed model, inspired by the emerging interdisciplinary approaches in business schools, considers the issue of value creation in organizations as the main focus of interest. Each of the company's dimensions - strategic, organisational, technological and process based - is analysed both with regard to the specific models and tools that allow detailed planning and through an holistic interconnection logic that uses the Business Model as an approach to representation.
The course aims to provide an integrative approach to the analysis of the company macro and micro environment, in order to the understand the key factors of competitive advantage, the strategic components, the models and tools for operations.
Follows the Educational Objectives of the course:
Knowledge and understanding. The student must have a solid background with a broad spectrum of basic knowledge related to the understanding and optimization of business processes according to an integrated approach to business management. In particular, the student must:
- have the basic cognitive tools to think analytically, creatively, critically and have the ability to abstract and solve problems within complex systems;
- have a thorough knowledge of the concept of the business model and of the key variables for the definition of the strategy and for the management of the business;
- have a solid knowledge of the existing networks and the network logic on which the collaboration relationships between companies;
- know how to analyse the theoretical and practical foundations of Business Process Management in order to understand the functioning of companies in terms of tasks, events, organizational roles and decision-making;
- have a critical and detailed knowledge of the theoretical foundations, methodologies and techniques for the design of organisational structures and mechanisms;
- have a good knowledge of new Information and Communication Technologies in order to enable the digitisation of businesses;
- possess the fundamental conceptual tools for the definition of an enterprise architecture to harmonize business processes, business strategies and technological solutions.
Applying knowledge and understanding. The student must demonstrate the ability to apply, independently and critically, the knowledge acquired during the training course. In particular, after the course the student should be able to:
- identify and appropriately use the principles and tools of the business model to design business development and management strategies;
- recognize, analyze and solve an organizational problem;
- identify and apply methodologies, languages and modeling tools for the analysis of business processes;
- describe and use the main technologies and platforms information technology as well as the main applications and architectures for big data, data security and design of new products;
- manage information, processes and resources to support the life cycle of products and services in complex business environments.
Making judgements. Students are guided to learn and critically apply the models and methods of analysis acquired during the course identifying – with a high degree of autonomy and in a logic of integration – strategic, organizational and technological solutions for the creation of value and optimization of business processes.
Students must therefore be able to operate in their own disciplinary and operational fields and manage complexity by collecting, processing and interpreting data, procedures and theories in a perspective of problem solving.
Communication. Students must demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary skills to:
- guarantee an effective and correct oral and written communication of the acquired knowledge, taking into account the level of cultural preparation of the interlocutors;
- organise the dissemination material and the communication of the research results using the scientific knowledge and the methodological tools learned.
- organise dissemination material and the communication of research results using the scientific knowledge and methodological tools learnt.
Learning skill. Students must acquire the critical ability to relate, with originality and autonomy, to deepen and develop autonomously in the professional field the knowledge and skills gained in relation to business processes, business model and technological solutions to be adopted. Students must be able to update his knowledge and methods of investigation through opportunities for comparison and learning in their field of competence with a view to continuing their studies at a higher level (PhD) or in the broader perspective of cultural and professional self-updating of lifelong learning. Therefore, students must be able to switch to different forms of presentation from the original texts, in order to memorize, summarize for themselves and others, to disseminate scientific knowledge.
The training programme privileges transdisciplinarity and complementarity between didactic modules. Specifically, the course consists of:
- frontal lessons, aimed at the exchange of knowledge and the development of a critical conscience within the disciplines studied through the transmission of concepts, models and interpretative schemes.
- exercises, aimed at promoting the understanding of theories and models as well as facilitating the use of technologies and operational tools analysed in the classroom.
- analysis of case studies, aimed at verifying what has been learned at a theoretical level through the frontal lessons.
- team work, aimed at strengthening cognitive and operational learning by applying the logic of the Business Model and the theoretical notions acquired with frontal teaching. Team work is implemented in parallel with the training modules and discussed publicly at the end of the course to stimulate the comparison of competences and communication skills.
In order to promote an interactive learning experience and circular communication, students are invited to participate in the lesson with independent judgment, starting the debate in the classroom and presenting real cases.
The exam is oral. During the exam the student is asked to argue theories, models and methodologies that are the subject of the study program to verify the level of knowledge and understanding of the topics covered as well as the degree of skills acquired. The student may be asked to do exercises and illustrate real cases related to the proposed question.
The course consists of four parts. Each section is divided into specific training modules.
UNIT 1 – Business Strategy: Foundation of Strategy; Macro and micro-environmental Analysis, SWOT analysis, Differentiation Strategies;
UNIT 2 – Organisational Analysis: Organisational Theories and Models; Traditional Models; Mintzberg Model; Network Analysis and Modelling.
PART 3 – Business Process Management : Organizational process Architecture, Business Process Management; Business Process Analysis and Modelling; Business Process Mining;
PART 4 – Business Models: value creation, capture and delivery, the Ostervalder Canvas, Sustainable Business Models, Platform-based Business Model.
PART 5 - Technologies in organisations: Zachman framework, digital innovation strategies, the role of data management and cybersecurity in organisations, technologies for new products development.
[1] Alexander Osterwalder A., Pigneur Y., Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, Wiley, Hoboken, 2010.
[2] Creswell J.W., Research Design, SAGE Publications.
[3] Bryman A., Bell E., Business Research Methods, Oxford Press.
[4] Powel W.W., Neither Market nor Hierarchy: networks forms of organizations, Research in Organizational Behaviour, vol 12, 1990.
[5] Mintzberg H., The Structuring of Organizations, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1979
[6] Allee V., A value network approach for modeling and measuring intangibles, White Paper, 2002
[7] Zachman J. A., “A framework for information systems architecture”, IBM Systems Journal, Volume 26, Issue 3, 1987.
[8] Sowa J. F., Zachman J. A. (1992) “Extending and formalizing the framework for information systems architecture”, IBM Systems Journal, Volume 31, Issue 3, 1992.
[9] Learning material provided by the professor.
First Semester (dal 16/09/2024 al 20/12/2024)
Exam type
Type of assessment
Oral - Final grade
Course timetable