Name of the PhD in English: Physics and Nanoscience
Name of the PhD in Italian: Fisica e Nanoscienze
Language: Italian, English
Department: Mathematics and Physics
Doctorate coordinator: Prof. Claudio Corianò
Places available: 14
Joint Programme: no
Partners: INFN, CNR, Nanotech, University of Al Akhawayn
The Ph.D. program in Physics and Nanoscience combines two sectors of research of the physics area. The first one (Physics) is oriented towards the physics of the fundamental interactions, the development of mathematical methods for the general scientific modeling of phenomena, and on astrophysics/cosmology.
The second one (Nanoscience) is focused on the application of material science and of quantum and molecular physics methods to nanotechnology, nanomedicine, and biophysics.
The first sector covers both theoretical and experimental research areas, and is strongly linked with the activity of two of the major Institutes in Italy that coordinate studies in fundamental physics: INFN (The Italian National Institute for Nuclear theory) and INAF (the Italian Institute for Astrophysics).
Experimental research in this area is carried out by faculty and doctoral students both at national INFN laboratories (Frascati, Gran Sasso) and at international ones. Examples are CERN in Geneva, which is home to the Large Hadron Collider, in the ATLAS collaboration, and the Pierre Auger observatory in Argentina, for the study of high energy cosmic rays.
The Nanoscience/Applied physics program is closely connected with the activity of the National Research Council CNR, and of IIT, the Italian Institute of Technology, over a wide range of topics, from basic research on plasmonics and molecular quantum physics to industrial applications of Nanoscience.
Doctoral research in the applied physics program covers a variety of methods in material science, laser/matter interaction, image analysis for medicine, aerosols, radiation protection, and is anchored also on industrial and technological programs funded by the National Ministry of Education (e.g. dottorato industriale).
Theoretical and experimental high energy physics (INFN / INAF areas):
- cosmic ray physics, accelerator physics, nuclear theory, astrophysics, astroparticle physics, string theory, quantum field theory, cosmology, quantum gravity, mathematical physics, dark matter, physics beyond the Standard Model, collider phenomenology.
Computational and experimental physics for the nanosciences (IIT/CNR areas and special MIUR programs for applied physics) :
- material science, quantum molecular chemistry, plasmonics, laser physics, laser/matter interaction, radio protection, nanomedicine, nanoscience, biophysics, biomolecular electronics, nanotechnology, microscopy and spectroscopy, nanophotonics, nanofabrication.
Qualified Ph.D. students of this area pursue research and professional careers both at national and at international level, maturing a significant expertise.
Along the years, graduates both in the theoretical and the experimental areas have continued their postdoctoral training, moving afterwords to international research institutions worldwide, and have been hired on tenure-track and permanent academic positions to perform fundamental research.
In general, the programme aims at educating researchers and professionals of high qualification, with high employment opportunities in many sectors of research and manufacturing. This includes:
- pure and applied research both in the public and private sectors, teaching science at all levels, industrial research, computing and data management, development of new equipment and instrumentation and nanotechnology.
Several former students have pursued careers on industrial management and policy, in technology transfer, in scientific and technological consulting, as well as in finance within important international institutions. At national level, the research Institutes that provide employment opportunities include, among others, INFN, IIT, CNR, and ENEA.
All students enrolled in the PhD have to pay annually the "Regional tax for the Right to Education" in accordance with the amounts set annually by the Puglia region Right to Education agency (ADISU). This may vary from a minimum of 120,00€ to a maximum of 160,00€ per year. Further details, including the amount of any due stamp duty, are available in the "Call for applications" documents.
2 positions covered by scholarships, supported by the Ministry of Research (MIUR), 1 position covered by INFN on high energy physics. In the applied physics area 2 fellowships are funded by ITT and CNR, with about 2 to 4 fellowships funded by MIUR on special programs (e.g. dottorato industriale). Some of these second group of fellowships sponsor applied research activity in areas of interest for INFN