Teaching Staff Mobility

The teaching staff from partner universities under the LLP-Erasmus Programme, wishing to spend periods of mobility at our university may be invited by a professor or research of the University of Salento.

Training Staff Mobility

The Erasmus+ Programme enables administrative staff to take advantage of the "Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training", or a period of training at higher education institutions and/or companies present within one of the countries participating in the Program. Who can participate: staff of partner universities located in a Programme Country. Duration of the mobility: minimum 1 day - maximum 2 months (excluding travel time). Grant: according to the tables of the Programme. It varies according to the travel distance between the University of Salento and the receiving institution, and the duration of the stay. How to apply: please refer to the application procedures set forth by the sending university abroad. The administrative staff who want to carry on a period of training at our institution has to contact the office or the structure where he/she is interested in doing it.