- Corsi in lingua inglese
- Teaching in italian
- Teaching
- Subject area
- ING-IND/24
- Reference degree course
- Course type
- Master's Degree
- Credits
- 6.0
- Teaching hours
- Frontal Hours: 54.0
- Academic year
- 2024/2025
- Year taught
- 2024/2025
- Course year
- 1
- Language
- Curriculum
- Percorso comune
- Reference professor for teaching
- Location
- Lecce
Teaching description
Sufficiency in calculus, linear algebra
The course is focused on the study of the transport phenomena occurring in fluid/solid materials: mass, heat and momentum transfer. These phenomena greatly regulate and control all the processes (transformation, production, manufacture, etc.) involving materials in their whole life cycle. The course will illustrate the use of: balances (of mass, energy and momentum), both in microscopic anche macroscopic scales in turbulent flow; transport coefficients (friction, heat and mass) between different phases; empirical correlations for turbulent flow. Several case studies will be presented in the course, in order to illustrate the practical use of the mathematical equations introduced in the lessons.
Knowledge and understanding
The course is focused on the study of the These phenomena greatly regulate and control all the processes (transformation, production, manufacture, etc.) involving materials in their whole life cycle. The course will illustrate the use of: balances (of mass, energy and momentum), both in microscopic and macroscopic scales in turbulent flow; transport coefficients (friction, heat and mass) between different phases; empirical correlations for turbulent flow. Several case studies will be presented in the course, in order to illustrate the practical use of the mathematical equations introduced in the lessons.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
The course provides abilities in transport phenomena problem solving applied in materials engineering field.
Making judgements:
The course gives the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and to solve transport phenomena problems occurring in fluid/solid materials: mass, heat and momentum transfer.
Students have to be able to communicate their conclusions and rationale to specialist
, by using a technical language based on formulas and theorems, and non-specialist audiences by using a narrative language based on elementary concepts.
Learning skills
Students are trained to develop creative thinking, critical spirit, and autonomy , by using as a knowledge technique examples and counter-examples. The theoretical approach of the course is a good tool to improve their ability of abstraction
Theoretical and practice lessons
written exam
Theoretical lessons :
Moment Transfer in laminar and turbolent flow.
Dimensional analysis of the conservation equations. Dimensionless groups : definitions and physical meant. Case study : flow past immersed sphere.
Distribution of velocity in turbulent flow. Mediated expressions for the moment conservation equations.
Heat Transfer in laminar and turbolent flow.
Case studies : heat conduction in a cooling wing, natural heat convection.
Dimensional analysis of the conservation equations. Dimensionless groups : definitions and physical meant.
Distribution of temperature in turbulent flow. Mediated expressions for the heat conservation equations.
Dimensional analysis technique.
Transport coefficient for isothermal systems.
Coefficient for moment transfer : friction factor. Transport in pipes and past immersed objects. Correlations between dimensionless groups of the moment transport.
Transport coefficient for non isothermal systems.
Heat transfer coefficient. Transport in pipes and past immersed objects. Dimensionless groups for natural and forced heat convection. Correlations between dimensionless groups of the heat transport.
Transport coefficient for multi- components systems.
Mass transfer coefficient. Transport in pipes and past immersed objects. Dimensionless groups for natural and forced mass convection. Correlations between dimensionless groups of the mass transport.
Macroscopic balances
Macroscopic balances for isothermal and non isothermal systems with one ore more components. Mass macroscopic and moment balance. Macroscopic balance of energy and mechanic energy ( Bernoulli equation).
Transport problems in steady and non steady state.
Solution of balance and transport equations for problems in steady and isothermal state with one or more components.
Solution of the conservation equations for the non steady state.
Solution of the transport problems for isothermal and non isothermal systems with one or more components.
Solution of steady and non steady state problems, using macroscopic balance for Macroscopic balances
- R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, E. N. Lightfoot, Transport phenomena, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
- L. Theodore, transport phenomena for engineers, International Textbook Company, U.S.
- A. S. Foust, L. A. Wenzel, C. W. Clump, L. Maus, L.B. Andersen, I principi delle operazioni unitarie, Editrice Ambrosiona, Milano.
First Semester (dal 16/09/2024 al 20/12/2024)
Exam type
Type of assessment
Oral - Final grade
Course timetable