Teaching in italian
Subject area
Reference degree course
Course type
Master's Degree
Teaching hours
Frontal Hours: 30.0
Academic year
Year taught
Course year
Reference professor for teaching

Teaching description

General knowledge of the concept of cultural heritage and its value for society in the spirit of the Faro Convention; general knowledge of cultural heritage management and regulations in his/her country.

The course aims to provide a suitable framework for the methodological approach to the cataloguing of the cultural heritage, through the discussion of the instruments of real access to the "common goods": the democracy of knowledge and the information systems of the cultural landscapes.

Part of the course will be devoted to the discussion of heritage enhancement strategies, starting with the principles and values ratified by the 2005 Faro Convention.

The expected learning outcomes areprimarily knowledge and understanding of

- methodologies of cataloguing of cultural heritage:

- international, national, regional, thematic main information systems of cultural heritage;

- main areas of interest for the communication and promotion of the cultural heritage.

Students will be able to acquire some methods of cataloguing cultural heritage and knowledge of information systems, which are the first tools of knowledge democracy. They will also acquire skills in communication and promotion of cultural heritage and different cultural sites.

Furthermore, they  will test the acquired skills through some case studies and the analysis of promotion strategies experienced in some cultural places.

The teaching consists of lectures, in which PowerPoint presentations and in-depth video presentations will be used.

Attending at lessons is heartily recommended.

Oral examination based on the study of the recommended texts and aimed at verifying knowledge of the topics developed during the lessons. In particular, the student will be assessed considering:

  • knowledge of the main issues discussed in the general framework presentation;
  • knowledge of the case studies;
  • studied topics presentation and connection:
  • speaking and presenting skills;
  • synthesis and formal correctness in exposition; ability to argue one's thesis/autonomy of judgement.

The examination will be marked by a grade expressed in thirtieths.


In the evaluation of the exam, the determination of the final grade considers the following elements:

30 with honors: excellent evaluation; comprehensive and rich preparation; in the presentation, accurate expression, confident knowledge of the topics, clarity of exposition,.

 30: very good evaluation; comprehensive preparation, with good ability to make connections; in the presentation, proper expression, fairly confident knowledge; clarity of exposition.

29-28: very good evaluation; comprehensive preparation with connections; in the presentation, some uncertainty in expression, fairly confident knowledge, not entirely clear exposition.

 27-26: good evaluation; comprehensive preparation; reasonably confident presentation, uncertainties in exposition.

25-24: moderately good evaluation; approximately complete preparation, occasional inaccuracies and/or gaps; in the presentation, occasional terminological or conceptual confusions.

23-22: more than sufficient evaluation; nearly complete preparation, gaps and/or inaccuracies; in the presentation, some confusion of terms and concepts.

 21-20: sufficient evaluation; approximately complete preparation, inaccuracies, gaps; in the presentation, approximate use of terms and concepts.

 19-18: barely sufficient evaluation; limited preparation (many inaccuracies and various gaps); in the presentation, confusion of terms and concepts.

 < 18: insufficient evaluation; insufficient preparation; insufficient presentation.


Monday 12 May 2025

Extraordinary exam call reserved for undergraduates, out-of-school students and students currently enrolled in the final year of Bachelor's and Master's degree courses who have completed classes for the second semester.

Thursday 12 June 2025

Thursday 26 June 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025

Thursday 11 September 2025

Monday 10 November 2025

Reception hours:

hour following the lecture

Examination committee:

The course aims to provide a suitable framework for the methodological approach to the cataloguing of the cultural heritage, through the discussion of the instruments of real access to the "common goods": the democracy of knowledge and the information systems of the cultural landscapes (international, national, regional, thematic); the identification and qualification of the heritage, the cataloguing actors and the ‘shared’ cataloguing, standards and regulations, heritage storytelling, open data. Part of the course will be devoted to the discussion of heritage enhancement strategies, starting with the principles and values ratified by the 2005 Faro Convention; from museification to valorisation: sharing, design, communication, enjoyment, accessibility, landscape regeneration and redevelopment, valorisation, stakeholders, accountability. A deepening will focus on the promotion strategies of museums / ecomuseums, museum systems and networks.

Ppts presented in class + related materials.

A selection of 3 papers of your choice between the following texts OR 2 papers + 1 case study of a place of culture of your knowledge and interest, with the analysis of its digital communication/storytelling

For non-attending students:

a selection of 4 papers of your choice between the following texts OR 3 papers + 1 case study of a place of culture of your knowledge and interest, with the analysis of its digital communication/storytelling


  • Auriemma R. 2017 (ed.), La democrazia della conoscenza. Patrimoni culturali, sistemi informativi e open data: accesso libero ai beni comuni? Atti del convegno (Trieste, 28-29 gennaio 2016), Udine 2017 (available pdf).
  • Montella M., Petraroia P., Manacorda D., Di Macco M. 2016, La Convenzione di Faro e la tradizione culturale italiana, in Feliciati P. (ed.), La valorizzazione dell’eredità culturale in Italia. Atti del convegno di studi in occasione del V anno della rivista (Macerata, 5-6 novembre 2015), in «Il capitale culturale» suppl. 5, 13-36 (available pdf).
  • Volpe G., De Felice G. 2014, Comunicazione e progetto culturale, archeologia e società, in «PCA. European Journal of Postclassical Archaeologies» 4, 401-420 (available pdf)
  • Coates 2022, How Museums are using Augmented Reality - MuseumNext (
  • F. Massari, Pasquale Del Vecchio, E. Degl'innocenti 2022, Past for Future – museums as a digitalized “interaction platform” for value co-creation in tourism destinations, European Journal of Innovation Management
  • Ding M. 2017, Augmented Reality in Museums, Arts Management & Technology Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University

Ding 2017 Augmented+Reality+in+Museums.pdf

  • Auriemma R. 2020, The Faro Convention and the sustainable valorization of the underwater heritage. Case studies and projects in the Adriatic and Ionian sea, International Conference in Management of Accessible Underwater, Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites: “Dive in Blue Growth”, (Athens, 16-18 October 2019) (available pdf)
  • R. Auriemma, A. Antonazzo, C. Beltrame, L. Coluccia, E. Costa, I. Kamenjarin, D. Leone, C. Pizzinato, I. Šuta, M. Turchiano, G. Volpe 2022, The Invisible Heritage and the Challenge of its Valorisation The UnderwaterMuse Project, Annual meeting 2021 of DEGUWA e.V. on Underwater Archaeology “In Poseidons’ Realm XXV Safety and Waterways (Xanten May 3-10, 2021), Skyllis 21, 30-38, 2021 (available pdf).
  • R. Auriemma, C. Beltrame, S. Bonomi, M. Capulli, E. Costa, A. Del Bianco, D. Gaddi, C. Pizzinato 2021, The Roman Shipwreck Grado 2 and the UnderwaterMuse Project. Challenges for the Enhancement of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Aquileia Nostra CXII, 2021 (2022), 47-65 (available pdf)

Second Semester (dal 03/03/2025 al 06/06/2025)

Exam type

Type of assessment
Oral - Final grade

Course timetable

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