Name of the PhD in English: Sciences for Cultural Heritage
Name of the PhD in Italian: Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale
Language: Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Turkish
Department: Cultural Heritage
Doctorate coordinator: Prof. Massimiliano Rossi
Places available: 4
Joint Programme: no
The syllabus of this course will follow two curricula articulated on a diachronic scale to provide an in-depth study of the themes inherent to the study of cultural heritage from prehistory to the modern and contemporary age. Particular attention will be paid to the methodological aspects which are transversal to the various areas, with the aim of reconstructing historical processes, territorial, socio-economic and legal contexts, as well as artistic, environmental and anthropological landscapes (and therefore cultural in the broadest sense). The PhD student will be required to master the basic tools of critical approach as well as methods of analysis of the types of documentary sources functional to the study of both tangible assets and intangible heritage (religious traditions, festivals, rites and folklore). The course will cover the analysis of historical-literary documentation and artistic production and music, the management of archaeological research in the field, the reconstruction of landscapes through the study of artefacts and ecofacts and the application of notions and archaeometric technologies to cultural heritage.
The course will also aim at developing skills in the following fields:
- museology,
- the study of sources,
- conservation,
- enhancement for the purposes of cultural tourism,
- the management of research projects.
Attention will also be paid to appropriate linguistic and IT preparation: from multilingual presentation and communication to multimedia and web-based technologies for research, digital reconstruction and dissemination.
Students may expect to find future opportunities in:
- Research sector (Universities, public and private research institutes, conservation, management and promotion of cultural heritage at national and international level);
- Public Administration: Cultural Heritage careers (museum directors, curators, high-level consultants in territorial governance organizations, executive roles in PA);
- Businesses and Cultural Services: Cultural and creative industries sector (new professions linked to innovation in the content production sector, digital communication, ICT);
- The Cultural Heritage Sciences sector. From the three-year course a professional role emerges in the field of territorial governance processes. This figure has expert skills in promoting dialogue between public and private actors and orienting intervention policies for the safeguarding, protection and management of cultural and environmental assets within the framework of the various regional, national and international bodies;
- The cultural and creative industry sector, i.e. in the new economic sectors which are increasingly developing around the promotion of cultural heritage, to respond to the 'right to cultural heritage' - ratified by the European Convention in Faro- and the sharp increase in the 'demand for culture' worldwide, as reported by studies on the New Economy.
All students enrolled in the PhD have to pay annually the "Regional fee for the Right to Education" in accordance with the amounts set annually by the Puglia region Right to Education agency (ADISU). This may vary from a minimum of 120,00€ to a maximum of 160,00€ per year. Further details are available in the "Call for applications" documents.