University Medical Centre - Presidio Medico Universitario

The Presidio Medico Universitario (University Medical Centre) aims to promote the health of students and staff at the University with basic medicine, primary prevention and orientation to secondary prevention and specialist services.

A multi-professional team from the Lecce ASL (Local Health Authority) operates in the centre, with a primary care doctor, a specialist doctor, a psychologist, a social worker and a nurse/obstetrician; specialist services are guaranteed at least one day a week.
In the Presidio, university staff will also collaborate with healthcare staff to carry out research in areas of common interest. Prevention and donation days and health education events are planned.

The Presidio was established on the basis of a memorandum of understanding between the University of Salento, the Municipality of Lecce, the Municipality of Monteroni and the Lecce Local Health Authority.

The UniSalento Medical Centre is an action envisaged by the University's GEP - Gender Equality Plan, one of the commitments to promote equality and the construction of a serene working and study environment, a tool for approaching self-care and care for others and awareness of the importance of respecting one's own and others' bodies and health.

New Event

On the occasion of the 19th World Hypertension Day, called by the Italian Hypertension Society, ASL Lecce and UniSalento have organised a prevention event to raise awareness of the risk associated with hypertensive disease. The appointment will be on Wednesday 17 May 2023, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Ecotekne campus (piazzale 'Daniele Caiaffa', near Plesso H), where ASL health personnel from the Unisalento medical centre, together with volunteers from the Italian Red Cross, will measure blood pressure and answer questions from all interested persons (university staff, students, citizens).