The decision on the issue of a visa for study purposes is the exclusive jurisdiction of the diplomatic/consular Mission. Documentation produced by higher education institutions referring to the single candidates for courses in the process of requesting visas is to be considered a support for the evaluation procedures of the diplomatic Missions and does not automatically imply the issue of the visa.
To obtain an entry visa for STUDY purposes for University Enrolment (type D “national”) and, subsequently, of a residency permit, the foreign student must demonstrate being in possession of the following requisites: economic means for subsistence during the planned stay; the availability of the necessary sum for repatriation; suitable lodgings in the national territory; adequate insurance cover for medical expenses and hospital stays which the student must demonstrate being in possession of, at the time of the residency permit request.
The administrative procedure in place for the release and renewal of residency permits is the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior and is regulated by the Consolidated Law of the dispositions concerning immigration regulations and norms on the treatment of foreigners (Legislative Decree n. 286 of 25 July, 1998), by the relative Rules of implementation (Republic Presidential Decree n. 394 of 31 August, 1999) and Law n. 68 of 28 May, 2007, relative to the regulations concerning short-term stays of foreigners for visits, business, tourism and study.
The application for access to Laurea and Laurea Magistrale degree courses for international students applying for visas and residing abroad, must take place through a prior university pre-enrollment procedure, which precedes the subsequent enrolment phases. In order to start the university pre-enrolment procedures, candidates have to access the UNIVERSITALY portal ( in order to fill in the relative “pre-enrolment application” online. Within the UNIVERSITALY portal there will be all the information for the completion of pre-enrolment applications, aimed at facilitating the access of candidates to university courses. The subsequent pre-enrolment phases will be completed at the relevant Diplomatic-consular missions for the purpose of obtaining the relevant visa. Once the pre-enrolment application has been completed, all candidates must apply for a university study/enrolment visa at the Italian consular diplomatic mission of the country of residence.
Italian candidates with a foreign qualification, from the European Union wherever resident and from outside the European Union duly resident in Italy, as per Art. 39, comma 5 of Legislative Decree n. 286 of 25.07.98, as modified by Art. 26 of Law n. 189 of 30 July, 2002 “Modifications to the legislation on the subject of immigration and political asylum” gain access without quota contingents to university courses, if holding a qualification equivalent to the Italian one required and recognised as eligible according to the independent evaluation performed by the single higher education institution. Candidates should present the enrolment request directly to the chosen higher education institution, according to the modality, terms and the requested documentation as established by each institution, and they accede under the same conditions extended to Italian citizens. Academic qualifications issued by foreign authorities must be accompanied by the documents indicated by the universities in respect of the Lisbon Convention: the student is obliged to produce the documentation that the institution deems necessary with a view to evaluating the foreign qualification, with reference to: eventual translations, legalisations, Diploma Supplements, exam certificates, ENIC-NARIC centre statements, Dichiarazioni di valore or other declarations that might serve to check the elements of the foreign qualification. Citizens belonging to countries of the European Union should apply for registration at the registry office of the Municipality where they intend to reside following the conditions, modality and terms fixed by Legislative Decree n. 30 of 6 February 2007.
Within eight working days of arrival in Italy on a type D “national” visa for STUDY (University Enrolment), the candidates must forward a request for a residency permit for STUDY to the police headquarters responsible for the city where they intend to establish their residence. The request may be presented to Post Offices, using the appropriate kit available at the said Offices. At the moment of presentation of the request for a residency permit, the foreigner will be identified and must effect the payment of the relative costs.
Higher education institutions are obliged to test the linguistic ability of students for access to courses. Each institution must organise a test of proficiency in the Italian language, obligatory for all Laurea degree and Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico (single-cycle) degree courses, except for those cases which are exempted as indicated in the paragraph below. This test is to be held preferably off-campus and before the visa application, thereby allowing for the certification of this proficiency during the request for a study visa, for an acceleration of such procedures and to lessen the pressure on the candidate. Exemption cases from the language proficiency test are listed within the relevant section of the Ministry regulations.
A health and medical insurance policy with minimum requirements is required for visa purposes - this is also required during the residence permit application process upon arrival in Italy. A number of insurance companies (either Italian or foreign) offer this type of policy according to national legislation and requirements. At this aim it could be useful to visit the website of the Italian association of insurance companies ANIA (Associazione Nazionale fra le Imprese Assicuratrici):
You may find a comprehensive list of Italian insurance companies within the section named "Imprese" (
The Italian fiscal code, officially known in Italy as Codice fiscale, is the tax code in Italy. It is an alphanumeric code of 16 characters. The code serves to unambiguously identify individuals residing in Italy irrespective of residency status. Designed by and for the Italian tax office, it is now used for several other purposes, e.g. uniquely identifying individuals in the health system, or natural persons who act as parties in private contracts. The code is issued by the Italian tax office, the Agenzia delle Entrate and may be a combined Italian health insurance card for qualifying residents which shows an expiration date (Tessera sanitaria) if the Italian National Service (SSN - Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) has been joined by the interested party.
The Agenzia delle Entrate, or the Italian Revenue Agency, is the Italian governmental agency that enforces the financial code of Italy and collects taxes and revenue.
The Italian fiscal code may also be issued abroad through the Italian diplomatic-consular representatives in foreign Countries - for a comprehensive list please visit the MAECI website related section.
In Italy, Fiscal Assistance Centres (Centri di assistenza fiscale - CAF) are organisations where citizens may obtain fiscal assistance for several purposes. A comprehensive list of official CAF is available at the relevant section of the Agenzia delle Entrate website.